
Technology - I long for

I long for a technology which can make virtual traveling – a reality. A virtual travel which fulfills all five senses of a person, what one gets in reality. To exemplify what I exactly require from the technology, take the case of travel to thirupathi, the virtual travel should give the traveler mild ache in legs which one would have developed climbing the sacred steps.

My desire for such a technology spurs from a tamil movie, which was released two decades back. The movie script portrays the hero developing software which makes virtual traveling a possibility. When someone can think of it decades before, then there exists every possibility of it occurring one-day. Now the technology is in the transformation process to bring about this vision.

Just imagine what wonders it could make to connectivity, though recent technology helps one to stay connected with others 24*7 through a virtual world. 3g technology helps to a considerable extent in overcoming the hindrance of virtual connectivity.

Let me imagine a travel on the premises that technology I long for existed and available for me to use: I move from my residence for a morning bath to best waterfalls in Tamil Nadu, Courtalam. All my senses are filled with chill and pure water and I get rejuvenated.

After which I visit few hill stations which are unconquered and still possess unpolluted pure oxygen gas, I inhale it for first time. My imagination runs wild to get best out of all natural resources, which we are deprived now.

All these thoughts urge me to desire and dream for such a technology.

I wish that innumerable developments in technology make virtual travelling a reality. Despite advancements in video conferencing trying to simulate reality, it lacks to deliver the ambience and feel of the reality. It should radically develop and bring about the feel what one would have got had he/she been there really.


What if electronic television remote gets life?

In a lighter sense, it will literally whack it’s operator to death. Let us go beyond, assume an imaginary scenario; where all the electronic remotes have been generous enough to give opportunity/trial in a court of law before convicting the operator for offence of continuous harassment.

I imaginarily put down here my thoughts, what could be the arguments? First such an occurrence will give us only one option to us – seeking mercy. Is there any other way out:-

“My Remote Lord, I accept the offence but as per general law, person who causes to commit should be punished rather than person who commits it. The causes are:

  1. Small snaps of serials and movies are being played in between the bigger movie the Advertisement
  2. Introduction of lot of comedy channels has forced operators to play all scenes of the movie whether it contains tinge of humor or not.
  3. I realize the meaning of familiarity breeds contempt only after watching television. (Yesterday evening’s show re-telecasted today morning and scheduled for tomorrow afternoon)
  4. Concept of variety shows are by itself a question of doubt, it’s a variety for the viewers or performers?

There are numerous arguments to add on my lord. World is moving towards optimum utilization of time. So I have to filter out the unwanted things and optimize the viewing time for the very little interesting part that is telecasted.

There is no other alternative for me, other than to continuously swap channels to make out any interesting show/cinema/event in the television.

Of-late, the number of channels has grown like amoeba. So it’s utmost importance to the viewer to stay in tune with the recent movie channel release.

Dear lord, all these have probed me to pester you.

“Change the cause and not effect”.

All the readers can put themselves in the shoes of Remote Lord (subrogation) and give your verdict.


Peril of mobile phones

This article is not on the radiation and other effects caused by mobile phones on individuals. A lot has been already discussed for a decade on the ill-effects caused by use of this electronic gadget. We gladly accept the ill-efforts and continue using the cell-phones. It has become an elixir to most of us.

This is not on radiation effects, not on time lost, so what is it all about? It is about the danger that use of the instrument subsumes but overlooked – “Effects of unclean mobile phones”

The device is almost in use for 15*7 hours. We use it in all parts of the day. There are innumerable ways how germs accumulate/reside on this device. To cite a few, we use it with unclean hands. We cough, sneeze on it. We carry it across all walks of our life and through all polluted areas.

These germs are capable of causing of infinite diseases ranging from nausea/diarrhea to diseases yet to be-named.

In few cases, the instruments are well wrapped in a cover/pouch. This ensures dust free mobile, however the condition of the cover encompassing is pitiable. It would have turned into grimy resulting in same risk.

Thin layer of dust starts to sediment on the device everyday. This process of dust-accumulation on a daily basis turns over a period of time into a bigger havoc, taking light from the proverb “Small drops make an ocean”

A better idea would be to cleanse the device in hot-water and disinfect it, but current technology does not provide us with hot-water resistant ones to do so. To play safe, clean the cell phone with a neat cloth at appropriate intervals. Try to use with clean hands and avoid using in very dusty and germ prone regions.

I hope this would have provoked your thoughts of taking care of the instrument by carrying a neat cloth and to renew the wrapper encompassing the device at regular intervals.