I long for a technology which can make virtual traveling – a reality. A virtual travel which fulfills all five senses of a person, what one gets in reality. To exemplify what I exactly require from the technology, take the case of travel to thirupathi, the virtual travel should give the traveler mild ache in legs which one would have developed climbing the sacred steps.
My desire for such a technology spurs from a tamil movie, which was released two decades back. The movie script portrays the hero developing software which makes virtual traveling a possibility. When someone can think of it decades before, then there exists every possibility of it occurring one-day. Now the technology is in the transformation process to bring about this vision.
Just imagine what wonders it could make to connectivity, though recent technology helps one to stay connected with others 24*7 through a virtual world. 3g technology helps to a considerable extent in overcoming the hindrance of virtual connectivity.
Let me imagine a travel on the premises that technology I long for existed and available for me to use: I move from my residence for a morning bath to best waterfalls in Tamil Nadu, Courtalam. All my senses are filled with chill and pure water and I get rejuvenated.
After which I visit few hill stations which are unconquered and still possess unpolluted pure oxygen gas, I inhale it for first time. My imagination runs wild to get best out of all natural resources, which we are deprived now.
All these thoughts urge me to desire and dream for such a technology.
I wish that innumerable developments in technology make virtual travelling a reality. Despite advancements in video conferencing trying to simulate reality, it lacks to deliver the ambience and feel of the reality. It should radically develop and bring about the feel what one would have got had he/she been there really.